Willaston Map

Notice of Casual Vacancy - 31st January 2025 


Willaston Parish Council is a local council and is the first tier of local government for Willaston, Cheshire East. The Council consists of 12 local councillors who are elected every four years by the residents to represent their interests.

All Councillors are elected members who give up their time and expertise voluntarily for the benefit of the Willaston community.

Monthly meetings are usually held in St Luke's Church Hall. Meeting dates and past minutes can be found on the Meetings page. 

The Council was created in 1894, but today gains the majority of its powers through the Local Government Act 1972.

The Council is a planning consultee and author of the Willaston Neighbourhood Plan which informs local planning decisions.

The Council's Assets

Lettie Spencer Playing Field                The War Memorial
Mike Heywood Green                          Willaston Book Box
The Spinney                                        Willaston in Bloom Planters
Willaston Allotment                              Wistaston Rd Bus Shelter
The Council also organises different activities which include the Willaston Act of Remembrance service, Carols on the Green, the Civic Service and Willaston in Bloom. 

The Council can help with many aspects around the village but please report any issues with highways, street lighting and environmental issues via the relevant section of the Cheshire East Website. Alternatively issues can be reported via the Fix My Street Platform.




© 2025 Willaston Parish Council