Cheshire East Council is the Local Planning Authority (LPA) covering Willaston. Details of planning applications can be viewed on the Cheshire East website. Residents are able to make representations directly via the Cheshire East planning page whilst the application is open for comment.
Under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the Council is notified of all planning applications from within Willaston and as a consultee may make a recommendation to the Cheshire East Southern Planning Committee or Strategic Planning Board.
The Council is the author of the Willaston Neighbourhood Plan which informs local planning decisions made by the LPA. The Neighourhood Plan vision for Willaston is that ‘By 2030 Willaston will be a thriving and distinctive community located within the green gap which as a community will evolve and grow in a sustainable way and will be a place where people can live, retire, learn, work and play and enjoy a high quality of life.’